netflix logo

Landing Page Redesign

netflix home screen

Project Objective

The principal aim of this initiative is to enhance user engagement, facilitate efficient content discovery, and provide an unobtrusive browsing experience. Netflix is a leading global streaming platform that offers a wide array of TV shows, movies, documentaries, and other entertainment content. It serves as a digital hub for audiences around the world to access and consume media, using sophisticated algorithms to recommend personalized content to its users. Therefore, optimizing the user experience within this platform is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and promoting long-term subscriber retention.

* Please note that this project is entirely fictional

Old Hero

Old Netflix Hero

The Process

My initial approach encompassed a thorough examination of the Netflix website’s architecture, coupled with an in-depth investigation into the characteristics and behaviors of its user base. The intent was to glean insights into fundamental user experience (UX) challenges inherent to the platform. These challenges were found to encompass complex navigation schemes, issues related to information architecture that led to ambiguities, inconsistencies in visual design elements, and suboptimal design considerations in the website footer.

Old Home Page

Old Home Page
Old Home Page
Old Home Page

The Navigation

After a meticulous evaluation of the platform, I elected to transform the header navigation from a point of user difficulty into a user-friendly interface feature. I strategically incorporated essential navigation links into the header on the landing page, thereby simplifying the process for users to access vital information. This enhancement served to streamline the user experience, making it more accessible to a broader audience. During my investigation, I observed that crucial resource information was buried in various pages and was initially only accessible via a link in the website’s footer. Relocating this important hub of information to the header not only simplifies its discovery but also eliminates the need to scroll to the bottom of the page, making the user’s journey more efficient and enjoyable.

Old Navigation

old netflix nav

New Navigation

new netflix nav

The Hero Section

Concentrating primarily on honing design components and amplifying content efficacy, I have supervised the metamorphosis of the homepage’s digital interface, achieving a harmonious fusion of functionality and aesthetic appeal. I adopted a left-aligned layout and provided the user experience (UX) copy with a comprehensive refresh. This not only improved the visual impact of the homepage but also enhanced its usability, contributing to a more engaging and intuitive user experience.

Old Hero

Old Netflix Hero

New Hero

netflix home screen

The Feature Section

Upon reviewing the “Features” section of the webpage, I discerned that the design required adjustments to more effectively convey the brand’s tone. I also identified the need for a streamlined card layout, as opposed to separate, disjointed cards. To minimize redundancy, I opted to consolidate the “Watch Anywhere” and “Watch on Your TV” cards into a single, unified card. These nuanced improvements elevate the overall impact of the “Features” section, augmenting its visual appeal while maintaining clarity and focus.

Old Feature Section

old netflix feature section

New Feature Section

new netflix feature section

The Pricing Section

During my examination of the Netflix platform, I identified a challenge related to the accessibility of the pricing information page. Previously, unverified users could only access this page via the “Help Center,” a less-than-intuitive method. To rectify this limitation, I redesigned the homepage to include a dedicated section for pricing information. This modification allows users to effortlessly navigate and select their preferred subscription plan, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

New Pricing Section

Netflix Pricing section

The FAQ's And Footer Section

During my analysis of the FAQ and Footer sections, it was evident that the current design layout was falling short in fulfilling its intended function. I recognized an opportunity to not only improve the visual aesthetics but also to offer a more thorough overview of the services provided by Netflix. Accordingly, I revamped the FAQ section with a modern, yet subtle design, while maintaining a brand tone that is light and inviting. This strategic redesign serves to enhance user engagement by creating a more relatable and enjoyable experience.

Old FAQ & Footer

old faq section

New FAQ & Footer

new faq section

The Final Product

final netflix redesign page

The Colors & Fonts

Color pallet and fonts

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